Facilities and Real Estate Management (FREM) Series, Part 1
Facility management professionals face multiple issues during their daily tasks. Issues can run the complexity gamut, from very simple to very difficult. In addition, issues can arise unexpectedly (e.g., a brand new furnace comes apart after three days of use), or they can be the result of a prolonged negligence of precautionary measures that may have been put off for too long for a variety of reasons (e.g., key staff illnesses, unexpectedly busy, etc).
One of the biggest factors an organization must take into account in facilities maintenance is facility similarity. Even though two facilities may be serving a similar, or even exactly the same, purpose (e.g., widget manufacturing), the facilities themselves are never exactly the same. When dealing managing similarly-tasked buildings, each facility is still a unique facilities management experience due to several factors, including location, staffing, size, and facility age.
The top 6 common challenges in facilities management are:
- Ensuring that the facility is always functionally operational and safe
- Energy efficiency management
- Compliance standards management
- Maintaining aging assets and infrastructure
- Facility condition assessment
- Controlling cost
In this ongoing facilities management series, we will examine the biggest problems that facility management professionals face. Please note, these are common problems faced by this industry and each of these problem presents an opportunity to find a solution, and that’s where our passion lies: finding and building solutions!
Continue on to Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4